Intrauterine insemination (IUI)

Fertility Services

Intra-uterine insemination

For IUI treatment, a semen sample is produced by the male partner around the time of ovulation, prepared in the laboratory and then placed in the woman’s uterus.

During sperm preparation, dead and poor quality sperm are removed, leaving a highly purified sample of healthy sperm at the correct concentration for fertilization. The healthy sperm is then placed into the uterine cavity using very soft thin tubing, in a procedure quite similar to having a smear test.


How is IUI timed?

IUI must be performed around the time of ovulation. The woman’s cycle is monitored using vaginal ultrasound scanning. IUI may be performed during a ‘natural’ cycle or in combination with fertility drugs. 

When is IUI recommended?

IUI is recommended as a fertility treatment for mild sperm abnormalities, cervical problems or psycho-sexual problems in couples where the woman is usually 37 years or younger. It may also be used for unexplained infertility. 

IUI is not recommended if there is significant endometriosis (grades III – IV), tubal disease (e.g. following tubal infection), significant sperm abnormalities or in older women.

Book an appointment

To book a Consult with one of our Doctors or book an appointment for Semen Analysis, click the appropriate button.
Please note that you need a GP or Consultant referral to book a Semen Analysis appointment, but this is not a requirement to book a Doctor Consult.