


Hysteroscopy is used to diagnose or treat problems of the uterus (womb).

A hysteroscope is a small telescope that is inserted through your vagina into your uterus. The hysteroscope transmits the image of your uterus onto a TV screen. Other instruments can be used along with the hysteroscope for minor treatments such as the removal of polyps and lost mirena coils. Hysteroscopy is usually performed as an outpatient, when you are awake.


Why is hysteroscopy done?

One of the most common uses for hysteroscopy is to find the cause of abnormal uterine bleeding or infertility. If polyps or fibroids in the womb are found, they can be treated using hysteroscopy.

Because of new technologies and very small hysteroscopes, it is now possible to do many procedures as an outpatient, without general anaesthesia.

Outpatient hysteroscopy is not usually painful but can be a little uncomfortable (causing period-type cramping). The advantage of outpatient hysteroscopy is avoiding a general anaesthetic, thereby avoiding a hospital stay and the inherent risks of an anaesthetic.

For further information about hysteroscopy, please discuss with your Merrion Fertility Clinic doctor.

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